
Exploring Huehuetenango Playlist

Guatecuenta Productions Season 3 Episode 1

A helpful guide to understanding the playlist. Each track represents one of the 22 states that make up Guatemala. In bold you’ll find the name of the department (state). These are organized geographically. With the help of a map, you can follow along. 

 1. Flores Peteneras: In honor of the island of Flores, the capitol of Peten
2. Cobanerita: Coban is the capitol of Alta Verapaz; the demonym for the people from Coban is cobanero/cobanera.
3. Puerto Barrios: The title is the name of the capitol of Izabal
4. Soy de Zacapa: Translation: I am from Zacapa; a state in the northeastern part of the country
5. Corrido de Chiquimula: in honor of Chiquimula, a state located about 100 miles from Guatemala City
6. Juventud Jutiapense: in honor of the state of Jutiapa
7. Cuilapa: the name of the of the capitol for the department of Santa Rosa
8. Cumbia Jalapaneca: “jalapaneca” is the demonym for women from the state of Jalapa
9. Noviembre en Sanarate: Sanarate is a city in the department of El Progreso
10. Cumbia Salamateca: Salamateca is the demonym for the women of Salama, capitol of the state of Baja Verapaz
11. Guatemala: The name of the country as well as the name of one the departments of the country. And believe it or not, you'll also find here the City of Guatemala, which is the capitol city of the country.
12. Sacatepequez: the title of the track is the name of the state Sacatepequez
13. Noches de Escuintla: Escuintla, the state known as the "City of Palm Trees."
14. Chimaltenango: both the state and capitol are named alike, Chimaltenango; this state is most commonly referred to as just "Chimal"
15. Chichicastenango: a town of the department of Quiche; In Chichicastenango you'll find one of the most colorful open markets (mercado) in the country
16. San Miguel Totonicapan: in honor of Saint Michael Archangel, patron of the department of Totonicapan
17. Panajachel: not only the name of one of the towns belonging to the state of Solola, but also one of the most visited towns of Guatemala.
18. Mazatenango Lindo: this track is dedicated to Mazatenango, the capitol city of Suchitepequez, a state located in the south west part of Guatemala
19. Retalhuleu: the state of Retalhuleu is where you'll also find el Irta, a group of popular amusement parks
20.  Luna de Xelaju: in honor of the state of Queztaltenango which is also known as or referred to as Xela (pronunciation in English: shella, in Spanish: shela)
21. Concepción Tutuapa: a city in San Marcos, one the departments that borders with Mexico.
22. Canto a Mi Huehuetenango: in honor of Huehuetenango, the name of its department as well as its capitol city. 

Congratulations, you've traveled through Guatemala via different melodies, now you just have to travel there and listen to the marimba live.